Adult Life Skills


Action / Comedy / Drama

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Certified Fresh 75% · 52 reviews
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Upright 68% · 250 ratings
IMDb Rating 6.3/10 10 4186 4.2K

Plot summary

Anna is stuck: she’s approaching 30 and has just moved back to her rural home-town, and into a shed in her mother’s backyard. She spends her time working a menial job at a local boating center and hides in the depths of her imagination, making movies with her thumbs. Irritated by her childish behavior, Anna's mother insists that she move out of her shed and on with her life. When a troubled young boy starts hanging around, the two form an unlikely bond. Through their strange yet mutually beneficial friendship, Anna slowly begins to confront her perpetual state of arrested development.

Uploaded by: FREEMAN
April 19, 2017 at 04:27 AM


Top cast

Brett Goldstein as Brendan
Harvey Scrimshaw as Kids Club
Edward Hogg as The Snorkeler
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
708.87 MB
English 2.0
24 fps
1 hr 36 min
Seeds 1
1.46 GB
English 2.0
24 fps
1 hr 36 min
Seeds 2

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by rooprect 7 / 10

Ya gotta love movies about living in your parents' shed

I can think of 2 fun comedies that involve characters who live in a shed: "Almost Sharkproof" (2014) and this one "Adult Life Skills". Well then there's also Silence of the Lambs but that's something uh different.

As you might guess from the premise, "Adult Life Skills" is about a 30 year old woman who doesn't know what to do with her life. Socially and emotionally stunted for reasons you will learn early in the flick, "Anna" (Jodie Whitaker) is an overgrown adolescent who spends her days talking to her thumbs and who can't manage to put on a bra without severely embarrassing herself. With her 30th birthday looming, her mom gives her an ultimatum which is basically the entire plot of the film: move out of the shed. Get a life. And she has about 1 week to do it.

What we get is a cute, quirky, at times tragic, at times magical story about her reluctant attempted transformation into an adult. The film is very minimal, consisting of a shed, the bottom floor of a house, a childrens camp where she works, and the landscape of a tiny rural town where nothing seems to happen except that people occasionally die off. The whole production is marvelously carried by a witty script and some rapid fire banter in funny accents (I dunno, are they "accents"? Being from America I figure everything outside of Connecticut is an accent). The film's narrow scope works tremendously to its advantage as we are forced to scrutinize small details of everyday life rather than epic dramas of wars and romance. Although there are tragic themes, it's handled off camera so we see only how it affects the characters in an unspoken way. And although there is a slight romance angle here, it's done in a hilariously awkward way (the snogging scene had me in stitches).

There aren't too many films like this, but I might compare it to the excellent 2017 indie film "Izzy Gets the F* Across Town" which is entirely about a young woman trying to ...get the f* across town. Here we have a story that could've had the alternate title "Anna Moves the F* Out Of Her Shed". You've probably never seen a movie quite like this, so don't miss it.

Reviewed by pswanson00 7 / 10


I picked this up at the library because I only knew Jodie Whittaker from Doctor Who, and I wanted to see her in another context. This film is touching and funny, and I like it. The only problem I had was understanding the dialogue. I watch British television shows and movies frequently, like 2 or 3 per week, and usually have no problem with the various regional accents. These people I had much difficulty understanding. I'm thankful that I was watching it on disc, and could run it back to repeat; I did that with about 1/4 of the dialogue. Of course this had to be one of the few DVDs which does not have subtitles available. It needs them.

Reviewed by SnoopyStyle 7 / 10

charming Whittaker

Anna (Jodie Whittaker) is stagnant approaching 30. She has been living in her mother's garden shed for the last 18 months. She makes internet videos which she used to make with her late twin brother Billy. Her mother Marion is frustrated trying evict her out of the shed. Anna works at a children day camp with her friend Fiona and Brendan who has a crush on her. Clint is a peculiar boy who doesn't fit in with the other kids. When his mother is hospitalized, Anna is tasked with caring for the boy.

This is a standard stunted adulthood dramedy. It has some fun with the very appealing Jodie Whittaker. There is a functional romantic component but the male lead is not that charismatic. I wonder if it would be more compelling to lose the sputtering romance in favor of the kiddie relationship. The movie also introduces Billy rather late in the movie. Overall, the central appeal is the charismatic Whittaker and she drives this with a comedic charm.

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