Breaker! Breaker!


Action / Adventure / Crime

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Rotten 29%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Spilled 29% · 2.5K ratings
IMDb Rating 4.3/10 10 3728 3.7K

Plot summary

Truck driver searches for his brother, who has disappeared in a town run by a corrupt judge.

Uploaded by: FREEMAN
May 31, 2020 at 11:46 AM


Top cast

Chuck Norris as John David 'J.D.' Dawes
George Murdock as Judge Joshua Trimmings
Doug Stevenson as Drake
Jack Nance as Burton
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
781.36 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 25 min
Seeds 4
1.42 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 25 min
Seeds 5

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by reddiemurf81 5 / 10

Rifftrax version is funny

Rifftrax guys take this terrible 70s film and bring some lols.

Reviewed by pinbackwiggly 5 / 10

3,9 Stars? Come on! It deserves at least 4.

Oh how I miss the message boards. This film was made for one reason watch good ol Chuck walk around and kick some people in the chest. That being said, sometimes that is all it takes to make a watchable movie. There are some shallow supporting cast and a love interest that I think I blinked too long while watching and they became a couple. There's also a nice nod to the camaraderie of mid-70s truckers on their CBs. So to wrap up, some fun martial arts from Mr. Norris. I've seen a heck of a lot worse.

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

Reviewed by BandSAboutMovies 3 / 10

Chuck Norris and 18 wheelers

Don Hulette somehow went from the music to Starhops to directing this, which feels like a glitch in the matrix which is IMDB. Kind of the same feeling one gets realizing that they're about to watch a trucking movie starring Chuck Norris, who said, "I didn't know anything when I made that movie. We shot it in just 11 days. But it was amazing, people loved it anyway. It's a down-home kind of movie. It's still my dad's favorite."

J.D. (Chuck Norris) is a trucker from California who learns that his friend was paralyzed after being beaten by Texas City cops Sergeant Strode and Deputy Boles, who have a history of entrapping truckers and sending them to jail. J.D. warns his brother Billy to stay out of Texas City, the kid doesn't listen and goes missing.

That brings J.D. to town, winning over single mom waitresses and accidentally killing mechanics, which gets him sentenced to death by Judge Trimmings. Luckily, J.D.'s new hash slinging old lady calls in a convoy of big rigs to save him. Jack Nance is in this, too. Yes, the same Jack Nance who was in Eraserhead. Life's funny like that.

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