
2008 [SPANISH]

Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Rotten 50% · 8 reviews
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Upright 77% · 1K ratings
IMDb Rating 7.4/10 10 5347 5.3K

Plot summary

A religious organization interferes with the life of a terminally ill girl.

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May 23, 2022 at 08:31 AM


Top cast

Carme Elias as Gloria
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
1.29 GB
Spanish 2.0
24 fps
2 hr 28 min
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2.66 GB
Spanish 5.1
24 fps
2 hr 28 min
Seeds 3

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by adesteo2 8 / 10

Something is needed to be said

I recommend this movie not just because provides a great amount of emotions and it's very well edited. I believe this film can give you an accurate and reliable point of view about Opus Dei. It's complicated to explain on images all the psychology which involves the life inside "La Obra", its name in Spanish. For instance, I don't think The Da Vinci Code is faithful to the real Opus Dei, although it shows real practices like the use of "cilicio" and whip. Instead of being too much imaginative "Camino" talks about a real family who tries to understand a painful illness which strikes all their lives. That's when the Opus Dei's fanatic explanation are presented as a way ("camino" in Spanish) of salvation and how all the corporation instigates a distorted view of society in all the family: the sister interned in a center for "numerarios" (like Opus front line soldiers), the mother abandoned herself in pray controlling all the "suspicious" movements which can led to sin, and the father living in the contradiction of loving his children and letting all this happen. I insist, this film is very close to the real Opus Dei, the one from which many of the students on the world are receiving education and values.

Reviewed by iic-geof 10 / 10

What is this movie really about? Different people see different things in it

Reading the above reviews, I find it somewhat surprising that almost no-one saw what I saw in this excellent movie.

What I saw was an expose' of the heartlessness of the Catholic Church (and I hasten to add that they are not alone).

I saw ambition among the clergy and the girl's mother, overriding their humaneness for this unfortunate girl.

I saw the philosophy of self denial taken to absurd extreme. Who is more deserving of flowers in her hospital room than a dying innocent eleven year old? Is mind control, sequestration, withholding of personal information, constant supervision and the encouragement to wear stones in ones shoes a way to prepare anyone for office anywhere in this day and age, let alone for the catholic church? I saw the Catholic Church manipulating the tragic events in order to "glorify" the church, and the individual clergy involved supporting this in order to enhance their own standing within the hierarchy.

Instead the movie tells us that Camino's dying thoughts were with Jesus, but not with the Jesus of Nazereth, which was the assertion of the clergy and no doubt the overriding factor in her subsequent beautification, ("the church needs more saints" says one clergyman), but with her prepubescent love of a boy of the same name.

I also saw the medical establishment questioned. A GP "No Xray but an injection will settle it", A specialist when an Xray is finally taken-"no problem here, she will be OK soon" - The surgeon on the second Xray "This is serious must repair the vertebrae without delay", finally a scan "The tumor must be removed ASAP" - where a careful diagnosis would have possibly isolated the problem from the beginning and made the last months of Camino's life at least a little more pain free.

In all I found this a very bitter movie, it did not glorify the church but rather leveled serious criticism at it as it did the medical establishment.

Not a movie for the masses, not a movie that could come out of America but in my opinion one of the VERY BEST movies ever.

Warning, If light entertainment is your wish avoid this movie like the plague, but if you want your thought processes stimulated, do not miss it.

Reviewed by lemmycaution69 10 / 10

A wonderful film and a wonderful child

Camino is the most intense film I've seen this year. I understand that Opus Dei doesn't like this film. I suppose that the Nazi Party doesn't like "Schindler's List", or the stalinists, or the talibanics, or extreme groups don't like films about them. I mention "Schindler's List", because I feel after Camino like after "Schindler's". Out of the theater, I was knocked by the film, I didn't know what's hour, what to do. I was still hooked on the film, and I didn't stop thinking about its characters, its argument, its pictures. Death and sickness and intolerance and dark side of life are inside "Camino", but above all Love and Hope and bright side of life. Sometimes the film is close to horror films (not too close), but another times it has got the joy of a musical (without songs, thank's god). Also, I was born in 1969, and the film presents visual aspects of my mediterranean catholic education. The nuns'school, the typical mass songs, the strict separation between men and women, the old fanatic priests, the dominant mothers and the silent but lover fathers... I enjoy seeing all those pictures of my sentimental education on a screen, and I fear that one of these things exists in present times... And speaking about catholic values and laicism values, my wife is completely agnostic and she says that Freedom in in the film. I'm Catholic believer, and I think that God is in the film. The Church is not only Opus Dei, and the rest of mankind has the right to talk and think about Alexia, the child who inspired the film. If Opus Dei opens a public campaign about Alexia, even with a Youtube Channel, Alexia is now a public figure. Opus Dei cannot order a complete silence for another point of view about this case. But now, after Camino, I love Alexia much more then before.

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