Carry on Loving


Comedy / Romance

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Rotten 50%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Spilled 50% · 500 ratings
IMDb Rating 5.9/10 10 2658 2.7K

Plot summary

The Wedded Bliss computer dating agency aims to bring together the lonely hearts of Much-Snoggin-in-the-Green. Its owner, Sidney Bliss, has enough complications in his own love life, but still produces a pamphlet called 'The Wit to Woo'. The strange collection of hopefuls lead to some outlandish matches—and jealousies are bound to lead to trouble.

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December 15, 2023 at 09:53 AM


Top cast

Anna Karen as Wife
Kenneth Williams as Percival Snooper
Sidney James as Sidney Bliss
Hattie Jacques as Sophie Plummett
792.16 MB
English 2.0
25 fps
1 hr 26 min
Seeds 9

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by Bunuel1976 6 / 10

CARRY ON LOVING (Gerald Thomas, 1970) **1/2

Again, this turned out to be more enjoyable than I was anticipating – despite the essential lack of plot and the general feeling that the regulars are merely going through the paces. The premise – or, more precisely, series of sketches – revolve around Sidney James and Hattie Jacques' matrimonial agency; several people with various hang-ups turn up at their door – including marital consultant (but confirmed bachelor) Kenneth Williams, Terry Scott and inexperienced Richard O'Callaghan. The thing is that James and Jacques aren't married themselves, and he's been having a fling with Joan Sims (who's herself doted upon by pony-tailed wrestler Bernard Bresslaw)!

Many generally amusing complications arise from this situation, though a lot of time is spent with the younger generation at the expense of the series stalwarts (Peter Butterworth, for instance, only gets an unbilled – albeit great – cameo). Some of the better moments include: Scott's visit to the house of proposed soulmate Imogen Hassall, with relatives who seem to have strayed in from an episode of THE ADDAMS FAMILY TV series!; their date in her flat (she eventually has a startling make-over), which is constantly interrupted by the arrival of her ostensibly engaged flat-mates; the unexpected arousal of Williams' stuffy housekeeper Patsy Rowlands after he brings home Jacques, and then Sims turns up to seduce him (because James wants to get back with Jacques) – the scene is further complicated by the arrival of the raging Bresslaw, who's however hilariously knocked-out by the charged-up Rowlands!; the side-splitting pie-throwing finale during James and Jacques' marriage – which is definitely one of the highlights of the entire series.

P.S. Hammer Films starlet Yutte Stensgaard's scenes were deleted from the released version (reportedly, she was also in CARRY ON AGAIN DOCTOR [1969] – but I didn't recognize her in that one).

Reviewed by hitchcockthelegend 6 / 10

Ignorance actually is, in this case, Bliss!

As the 1970s began, the Carry On team would continue undaunted by a new decade and a changing of the times, they instead embraced it with innuendo laden open arms - for better and worse as would prove to be the case.

"Loving" finds Sid James and Hattie Jaques as a boyfriend and girlfriend couple operating under false pretences as a wedded bliss couple running a computer dating agency. The central theme is that of a number of hapless and lovelorn singletons who hope to get fixed up by the "Bliss Agency", only to find disaster after disaster, mismatch after mismatch, befalling those hoping for Cupid/Eros' arrows to strike.

It's all very plot less, a sort of rerun of Carry On Regardless but with the amiable vignettes of that film replaced here with more knowingly bawdy and sexy scenarios. Terry Scott and James have fun as randy old devils, each thrust into a number of awkward situations via angry girlfriends & boyfriends, Kenny Williams gets the best part of the screenplay as a marriage guidance counsellor - and confirmed bachelor - hopelessly out of his depth when push comes to shove (ooh-err), while Jacki Piper and Imogen Hassall positively steam up the screen with underwear and push-up-bra revelations.

The 70s would prove to be a troublesome decade for the series, and this does feel like the start of the slide, which is annoying since the rather cheeky and funny Carry On Up the Jungle was also released this same year. There is some value in "Loving", it has Sid and Hattie as a warring couple, which is always fun to be part of, while Williams and Scott throw themselves into their roles - just as Bernard Bresslaw steals scenes as a hulking wrestler miffed at Joan Sims' being the apple of Sid James' eye! But it feels forced and although it has some moments for fans to enjoy, the high points of Carry On Up the Kyber and the box office gold of Carry On Camping would ultimately prove to be nostalgic glances back to the series' better days. 6/10

Reviewed by m_pratt 8 / 10

Carry on!!!

This is a good film.It is taking a storyline about love and sex but its not bad.Sid is as magical as ever as Sidney Bliss the owner of the wedded Bliss agency with his partner Sophie Plummet( Hattie Jacques).Imogen Hassle makes her only Carry on appearance as Jenny Grub a charming girl under the thumb of old fashioned parents.Terry Scott has his eyes on her and they soon hit it off. Joan Sims is good as Esme Crowfoot one of Sids clients who he has a eye for.Bernie is Gripper a wrestler Esme Crowfoots partner.This is funny but not really Bernie in my opinion.Richard O Callaghan makes his second appearance as Bertram Muffet.Jackie Piper stars as Sally Martin.Kenneth Williams is Percival Snooper an eccentric marriage guidance counsellor. Charles Hawtrey is James Bedsop a spy who Hattie is paying to spy in Sid. This is one of the gangs finest performances its not hard to see why the food fight at the end is classic.Everyone is enjoying themselves. 10/10

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