City Hunter

1993 [CN]

Action / Comedy / Crime / Romance

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Rotten 50% · 8 reviews
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Spilled 60% · 5K ratings
IMDb Rating 6.3/10 10 12397 12.4K

Plot summary

A self-indulgent private investigator winds up on a cruise ship full of rich patrons, gorgeous women, murderous terrorists, and scarce food.

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Top cast

Jackie Chan as Ryu Saeba
Bruce Lee as Billy Lo
Wendee Lee as Shizuko Imamaru
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as Fighter on Film #2 in Ship's Theater
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
845.97 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 40 min
Seeds 9
1.59 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 40 min
Seeds 18

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by Elmyras 7 / 10

Of my favourite Jackie Chan movies...this one would NOT be up there as one of the

*minor spoilers*

The jokes are mostly juvenile and are accompanied with too much 'funny' face pulling. I particularly detest the running gag with the woman who can't hold up a gun for long because her 'load' is too heavy. Now, I'm no feminist so maybe it's not the joke so much as how badly delivered it is and how predictable it gets each time it happens. That said, this movie does contain some genuinely funny scenes, for instance when Joey Wong pretends to seduce the bad guy by playing with the bottom of his T-shirt and then proceeds to whip it up and trap his head in it. This is then spoiled with an excess of violence directed toward her by the villain and she reacts by falling into stupid positions and pulling funny faces. Joey Wong is a good actress with a lot of charisma but she does tend to Ham it up here. There's not much to say about the other three female leads except that they're just, well, there. Frankly, the movie could've done without the two undercovers and Leon Lai, whose presence irks me.

There are however two stand out moments the first of which isn't exactly funny but more a homage to Bruce Lee. This happens in the a theatre where Jackie finds himself up against two 7 ft+ tall bad guys and he finds inspiration from the master himself (whose movie is playing in the background) to give them a good pounding. The second is of course the Street Fighter scene. This game was huge at the time and it was such a treat to see this part of the film for the first time.

The last fight is also fun to watch although there is the presence of that face pulling again. I'll forgive him this time since the action is so good and at times laugh out loud funny you realise that this is the Jackie Chan of old where his stunts still wow you. Speaking of stunts, there is one where he somersaults from one balcony and lands on his feet about 10ft below.

Humour: 6/10 - some genuinely funny moments dragged down by an abundance of dreadful humour.

Action: 9/10 - Jackie Chan at his near best.

Plot: Hey, this is a Jackie Chan movie we're talking about.

Overall, I'd give it a 7/10.

Reviewed by ebiros2 6 / 10

A comedy with action

Based on a comic by Tsukasa Houjo, City Hunter was made because a Japanese fan mentioned to Jackie Chan that he looks like Ryo Saeba.

Ryo Saeba (Jackie Chan) is asked to bring back Seiko (Kumoko Goto) back to Japan. On their way back, the luxury liner carrying both gets high jacked by gangs. Ryo, Seiko and others battle the gang inside the luxury liner.

The movie is made to appeal to both Hong Kong and Japanese audience, and actor Joey Wong who was popular at the time in Japan appears as Ryo Saeba's girlfriend. Kumiko Goto who was popular in Japan at the time also appears. All star cast of Richard Norton, Leon Lai, and Chingmy Yau also appears to appeal to audiences in both countries. There's a comical scene where characters that looks like the Street Fighter appearing in fight scenes.

This movie is bit different from other Jackie Chan movies, in that body exploitation with many men and women in their swim suit appearing, and overt comedy is part of the story. But the fight scene between Richard Norton and Jackie Chan is pure Jackie Chan movie.

Many people say this is the only Jackie Chan movie that doesn't work, but it is an entertaining movie with some good action spread in between.

Reviewed by Snootz 3 / 10

Wow, what a stinker

Has to be one of Jackie Chan's worst movies. Intended as a campy satire-- the only time I laughed during the whole movie was during the blooper scenes at the end.

Honestly, Chan has made some funny films and we've enjoyed some amazing acrobatics, but the choreography in this was horrible, the schtick not funny. This had all the feeling of martial arts by Jerry Lewis.

I figure there will be a wide range of mixed reviews on this. But halfway through I seriously considered hitting the off switch; the only reason I kept watching was because it was Jackie Chan. But even he couldn't save this unfunny schlock. Some people might find this hilarious. I found it to be bad directing, horrible English voice-overs (the actor they chose to play Chan could not have been a worse voice decision), and the choreography some of the worst I've seen in any martial arts film, schlock or not.

Only positive thing I can say for it is that they had many lovely actresses playing various parts. Beyond that, wow, what a stinker.

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