Farewell, Friend

1968 [FRENCH]

Action / Adventure / Crime / Drama / Mystery / Thriller

IMDb Rating 6.7/10 10 4106 4.1K

Plot summary

After serving together in the French Foreign Legion, a mercenary and a doctor leave the service and go their separate ways. Later, they are reunited and become involved with a caper involving millions in a high-security safe. The two men become locked in during a holiday weekend as they attempt to crack the safe's combination.

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June 29, 2022 at 09:52 PM


Top cast

Charles Bronson as Franz Propp
Alain Delon as Dino Barran
Brigitte Fossey as Dominique 'Waterloo' Austerlitz
Olga Georges-Picot as Isabelle Moreau
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
1.04 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 55 min
Seeds 4
1.92 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 55 min
Seeds 3

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by blanche-2 8 / 10

really enjoyable

Alain Delon and Charles Bronson star in "Farewell, Friend" also known as Honor Among Thieves. I believe this film was originally in French, but Delon and Bronson dubbed their own English.

The two men are home from the French Foreign Legion in North Africa. Franz Propp (Bronson) is a mercenary and invites Dino (Delon) to join him. Dino says no. Figuring he has something interesting on the horizon, Propp starts following him around, which infuriates Dino. He's supposed to help a woman who was a friend of his buddy replace a huge amount of bonds in a safe over Christmas break. The company she works for is in need of a doctor, which Dino is, and Dino takes the job and sets up a camera to record the numbers of the safe. He then finds out there is $2 million to be left there over Christmas. Unfortunately the camera only shows 3 numbers clearly of the combination.

Propp, of course, wants the money and won't leave the premises. The two stay in the basement of this building for the Christmas weekend, with Dino desperate to get rid of Propp most of the time.

They take turns trying safe combinations and as time goes on, play tricks on one another. Dino buys all the food in the vending machine and then hides it in a table; later, as they're hiding, guards take the table, thus leaving them both with no food. They lock each other in and out of places. Then their room becomes a sweat box when they are locked in and Propp tries to go through a wall and cuts the air conditioning wires by accident. This gives them an opportunity to remove their shirts so we can see their bodies. Needless to say they both look great. The questions are - can they open the safe, can they get out of the building when it opens on Tuesday, and the big one, can they live until Tuesday?

This film, which looked to be an adventure/heist type of thing is actually very funny. Bronson and Delon work beautifully together and have a lot of chemistry. And they do learn they have one thing in common - loyalty.

Someone said this film is slow - I didn't find it so. It's a real macho film with charming stars and a lot of humor. And the gorgeous Delon is given many closeups and at one point is in blue pajamas which emphasize his eyes.

I enjoyed it.

Reviewed by MartinHafer 6 / 10

Despite the stars, only fair.

appears to have been later reworked into John Wayne's "The Train Robbers" "Adieu l'ami" (also known as "Farewell, Friend" and "Honor Among Thieves") is a French film that stars Alain Delon and Charles Bronson. Both dubbed French language and English language versions of the film were released.

The movie begins with two soldiers in the Foreign Legion coming back from North Africa (Bronson and Delon). They don't particularly like each other and Bronson is a larcenous sort. Later, Delon is approached by a woman who has a ridiculous story--she claims she needs him to break into a safe to put some bonds BACK before they are discovered missing. Why he agrees to help her, I have no idea. Once inside, he meets Bronson--who has followed Delon because he thinks Delon is going to rob the place. However, BOTH get locked in the place and can't get out or get to the safe. When they finally do get out much later, they find a dead guard and some other person stole the money. I would have ended the film here, but it goes on for about 40 more minutes--leading to a bloody shootout.

All in all, a decent film but it seemed a bit rough in spots. I also didn't appreciate the macho histrionics when the pair got locked in together--their punching each other seemed pretty silly. A decent time-passer but that's all--thanks to a lackluster script.

Reviewed by Leofwine_draca 5 / 10

French bank heist thriller

FAREWELL, FRIEND is a French bank heist thriller with a starring role for France's favourite leading man, Alain Delon. The film is essentially a two-hander with Delon trapped in a bank vault alongside the great Charles Bronson for much of the running time. The two men bicker and fight a lot but eventually have to work out a way to escape together. Overall this is a stylish but sluggish production which has a good premise but goes on and on and on, particularly at the climax which really drags. It's certainly promising and has plenty of interest for fans of the two actors, but it's not particularly memorable.

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