Pocketful of Miracles


Action / Comedy / Drama

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Rotten 50% · 10 reviews
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Upright 72% · 1K ratings
IMDb Rating 7.1/10 10 8002 8K

Plot summary

A New York gangster and his girlfriend attempt to turn street beggar Apple Annie into a society lady when the peddler learns her daughter is marrying royalty.

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November 14, 2014 at 11:32 PM


Top cast

Ann-Margret as Louise
Bette Davis as Apple Annie
Peter Falk as Joy Boy
Hope Lange as Queenie Martin
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
927.01 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
2 hr 16 min
Seeds 2
2.05 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
2 hr 16 min
Seeds 8

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by ma-cortes 7 / 10

A pleasing and charming movie well directed by Frank Capra

The film centers about the boozy as well as brassy elderly female called Apple Annie (Bette Davis , though before Bette accepted the role , Shirley Booth was Capra's first choice for Annie , but she politely declined the role) . She is an old , ugly and poor woman on his own resources , she splits luck to a mobster (well played by Glenn Ford who helped finance the movie through his production company) giving him apples . Ford (who asked his sweetheart Hope Lange as Queenie) has a beautiful girlfriend and helps Annie and he sets up a masquerade for her daughter Louise (Ann Margret's first movie) , who has lived all her life in a Spanish convent, is coming to America and she goes to marry to a high class man and for him to believe than Bette/Annie is a countess . You've got to see it to belove it! . Warmth, schmaltz, heart, whatever it is, this motion picture's got it - that certain something that turns the screen hilariously and miraculously wonderful!

In the film there is a mingle of comedy , drama and humor , it's a very amusing movie . Although this is not as good remake as ¨ Capra's Lady for a day ¨ , the former and early classic movie . First-range acting , especially by main actors : Bette Davis , Glenn Ford , Hope Lange , Peter Falk , Ann Margret but the secondary actors are also excellent : Edward Everett Horton , Thomas Mitchell , Arthur O'Connell , among others . The original version of the film, ¨Lady for a day¨(1933) -also directed by Frank Capra- was pretty good , and even had Oscar-nominated performance for May Robson as Annie . According to the Bette Davis biography, 'Fasten Your Seatbelts', the actress was furious when she read a Glenn Ford interview in which the actor claimed to have gotten her the part because of the boost she had given him years before . Direction by Frank Capra , in his last film , is very good , he had a lot of experience because of his previous classic films, such as ¨It's a wonderful life¨, ¨ Meet John Doe ¨, ¨ Mr Smith goes to Washington ¨ and several others. Rating : 7 , above average , well worth watching .

Reviewed by nycritic 6 / 10

Unfocused Remake of Lady for a Day.

For a director who made some of the most memorable, high-quality films between 1933 and 1941 and has become legendary for his priceless, classic IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES is a little too unfocused and cute at times to merit being a great film. While his earlier version, LADY FOR A DAY, was more compact, this one runs 40 minutes too long, extends scenes that could have trimmed the fat off the plotting and still have had the film look great, and seems too fairy-tale even for 1961 when it was released. Somehow what worked so well in the 30s fails to work here, and while the acting couldn't be better from many of the actors involved, the storyboarding itself is sub-par. Bette Davis shines as Apple Annie, though, and makes this escapist film worth watching even when its subject matter has not aged well and seems like a caricature of its earlier version.

Reviewed by MartinHafer 7 / 10

very good but not up to the quality of the original

This Frank Capra directed film is actually Capra's second attempt with the movie. POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES is actually a remake of LADY FOR A DAY (1933), and I've got to say that nothing in this remake made me favor it over the original. May Robson and Warren William just did a better job with the material than Bette Davis and Glenn Ford. In particular, Ford is more selfish and nasty when compared to the "nice" scoundrel played more gracefully by William. Plus, overall, it looks like everyone just tried and emoted too much in the remake. The original was slow and graceful and also quite beautiful. The remake is just LOUDER and brash--like it is a "dumbed-down" version of the original.

However, despite my complaint, the basic story itself is still excellent and couldn't help but produce a good movie. This one is sure worth watching, but if at all possible, find LADY FOR A DAY--it's a much better example of the magic of Frank Capra.

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