
2015 [SPANISH]

Action / Horror / Mystery

IMDb Rating 5.2/10 10 606 606

Plot summary

A young priest travels to Buenos Aires in order to help sick people during the 1871 yellow fever epidemic.

Uploaded by: FREEMAN
January 22, 2024 at 02:19 PM

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720p.WEB 1080p.WEB
938.58 MB
Spanish 2.0
24 fps
1 hr 42 min
Seeds 7
1.88 GB
Spanish 5.1
24 fps
1 hr 42 min
Seeds 4

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by geishi 1 / 10


Save your self some time and don't watch it, it's not a horror movie but a thrill/suspenseful movie and the other reviews were paid so don't fall for it

Reviewed by paul_haakonsen 2 / 10

What a sluggish dud of a horror movie...

Of course I had never heard about this 2015 supernatural horror movie titled "Resurrección", given my limited exposure to the Argentinean cinema. But stumbling upon it by random luck here in 2024, of course I opted to sit down and watch it, as it was a horror movie that I hadn't already seen. Plus, the fact that the movie's cover was interesting, definitely helped to make me give the movie a go.

I have to say that the narrative in the movie is slow paced and sluggish, and there isn't a whole lot of anything overly thrilling, interesting or scary happening. And that made sitting through this movie quite the ordeal. I have to admit that I was hoping for a bit more in the horror department from writer and director Gonzalo Calzada.

Truth be told, I was on the verge on giving up on the movie and turning it off prematurely a couple of times throughout the first 47 minutes of the 102 minutes runtime. Yup, I ended up giving up on the movie only 47 minutes into the ordeal. By then I just couldn't take any more of the boredom that unfolded itself on the screen.

Needless to say that with my very limited exposure to the Argentinean cinema, then I wasn't familiar with the actors and actresses that were in the movie. However, despite the fact that they had very little to work with in terms of script, character gallery and dialogue, then the acting performances were actually fair.

Something that worked well in favor of the movie was the atmosphere. Director Gonzalo Calzada did manage to pull that off quite nicely, and that definitely added something to the overall impression of "Resurrección".

Writer and director Gonzalo Calzada delivered a brutally dull horror experience. And this is definitely not a movie that I would recommend to fans of the horror genre to rush out and get to watch. Some of us suffered through this slow paced ordeal, so you don't have to; you're welcome. And I can in all honesty say that this movie is not going to grace my screen a second time, ever.

My rating of "Resurrección" lands on a very, very generous two out of ten stars.

Reviewed by Elvis-Del-Valle 8 / 10

A fascinating Argentine horror film in the style of Edgar Allan Poe

Normally, Argentine cinema does not usually offer good interesting titles, but there are always exceptions. Resurrección is an interesting case of the attempts that Argentine cinema has to try to venture into genre cinema. Most of these attempts end up being low-budget films, but Resurrection is one of the few attempts that manages to be somewhat decent. The truth is that it is a film with a good production and it shows that it was made in a quite professional manner. They really managed to make a film that manages to respect the 19th century era in certain aspects and give it a gothic style like the Hammer Productions films. The truth is that it even has an interesting plot that can be confusing at times, but you can tell that it is quite influenced by classic Gothic literature. The atmosphere in the plot makes it feel like something based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe and even reminds us of The Fall of the House of Usher. Resurrección is a fascinating proposal despite not being entirely clear, but it is appreciated that it is a film outside of what Argentine cinema normally does. My final rating for this movie is an 8/10.

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