The Great Caruso


Action / Biography / Drama / Music / Mystery / Romance

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Certified Fresh 61%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Upright 61% · 500 ratings
IMDb Rating 6.5/10 10 1467 1.5K

Plot summary

Enrico Caruso's only passion is to sing. For that, he leaves his hometown of Naples, Italy, and travels to America to sing for the Metropolitan Opera. At first, his lack of education and poor background make him an outcast in the high-class opera world. Eventually, his voice wins him both fans and the hand of his love, Dorothy. But his nonstop pace and desire to perform at any cost eventually take their toll on the singer's health.

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March 07, 2021 at 02:26 AM


Top cast

Sherry Jackson as Musetta as a Child
Mario Lanza as Enrico Caruso
Alan Napier as Jean de Reszke
Mae Clarke as Woman
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
1004.05 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 49 min
Seeds ...
1.82 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 49 min
Seeds 3

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by MartinHafer 7 / 10

The life of Caruso gets the full MGM treatment...both for good and for bad.

"The Great Caruso" is a film that I am glad I hadn't watched until now. This is because only recently have I learned to appreciate opera and after attending several, I was ready to appreciate a movie about opera much more than I might have been a decade ago. Now this does not mean you must love opera to enjoy the film...but it is a tough sell if you aren't an opera fan.

Because the film was made by MGM in 1951, it isn't surprising that the film gets the full, glossy MGM treatment...with bright Technicolor, a very nice and capable cast and it looks great.

Now this is not to say the film is perfect. As a history teacher, I realized early on that the story on the screen was NOT exactly the real life of Caruso. Too often, films take great liberties in order to make the story more cinematic...and in this case the Caruso family even sued (successfully) because the details were often wrong in the movie. I did some reading and a HUGE problem with the film is that it ignores a long-lasting unmarried relationship which produced four children and is never mentioned in the movie!! The general gist is correct...and even Caruso's son (from this previous relationship) later admitted that he loved the film.

Mario Lanza is quite good in the lead and it's probably his best or one of his best films. He's also likable and it's a real shame he died so young, as he is excellent here.

Overall, well worth watching, particularly if you like opera, but not exactly Caruso's real life biography...more a glossy, MGM-style version of it.

Reviewed by Prismark10 4 / 10

A tenor for your thoughts

If you did not know much about the Great Caruso before you watched this film, you will be none the wiser after this film.

It really is a bread and butter straightforward romanticised and fictionalised film starring Mario Lanza, filmed in the Hollywood backlot. The film has little to do with Caruso's life.

If you want operatic singing and hear Lanza's voice then this is the film for you. I was underwhelmed.

Reviewed by TheLittleSongbird 7 / 10

Not 100% perfect, but an absorbing and visually sumptuous biopic, with superb music and one singing great playing another

I have to admit I didn't find The Great Caruso note-perfect. People have already said as a biopic it is highly fictionalised, and those who say that are right- the story here is not consistent with what really happened. Also the screenplay is somewhat ramshackle and the pacing is a little slow in places.

Flaws aside, The Great Caruso is still a very good film. For starters it is gorgeous to watch. The costumes, sets and cinematography are absolutely amazing and just a feast to the eyes. Even better is the music, the music is like a treasure trove of some of the greatest tenor arias ever written. We have La Donna E Mobile from Rigoletto, Celeste Aida from Aida and Vesti La Giubba from Pagliacci, not to mention the charming The Loveliest Night of the Year beautifully sung by Ann Blyth.

I have little to complain about the performances either. Ann Blyth, Dorothy Kirsten(an underrated singer), Alan Napier, Paul Javor and Jarmila Novotna are all wonderful. I have yet to talk about the best performance, it is easy enough to say that Mario Lanza gave the best performance but vocally and acting-wise. How do you like that? A singing legend portraying another? Lanza is absolutely brilliant, he is in fine voice and wholly believable here, it is such a shame his career was cut so short. You may argue that Caruso and Lanza sound familiar in voice, personally I don't think they do. Whereas Lanza had a rich lyrical voice, Caruso's was somewhat darker and perhaps more dramatic. There is nothing wrong with that, both had naturally beautiful voices that sing all those arias with effortless ease.

Overall, flawed, but well worth seeing for the music and Mario Lanza. You may be disappointed if you are looking for a true historical music lesson, but if you want a biopic with gorgeous visuals and music I think you have met your match in The Great Caruso. 7/10 Bethany Cox

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