The War of the Roses


Action / Comedy / Romance

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Certified Fresh 83% · 42 reviews
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Upright 71% · 25K ratings
IMDb Rating 6.8/10 10 57426 57.4K

Plot summary

The Roses, Barbara and Oliver, live happily as a married couple. Then she starts to wonder what life would be like without Oliver, and likes what she sees. Both want to stay in the house, and so they begin a campaign to force each other to leave. In the middle of the fighting is D'Amato, the divorce lawyer. He gets to see how far both will go to get rid of the other, and boy do they go far.

Uploaded by: OTTO
February 08, 2014 at 11:59 AM


Top cast

Sean Astin as Josh at 17
Danny DeVito as Gavin D'Amato
Kathleen Turner as Barbara Rose
Michael Douglas as Oliver Rose
1.85 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 56 min
Seeds 24

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by blanche-2 8 / 10

when love goes the route of attempted murder

You know a movie is funny when you're by yourself and laughing out loud. This is a hilarious saga of a divorcing couple, both of whom refuse to leave their house. "The gloves are off," Michael Douglas announces to wife Kathleen Turner, although for the viewer, they had been off for some time. Both stop at nothing to drive the other out.

It's a strange film in a way because it starts out as a love story and slowly builds, as little signs that all is not well in paradise begin to emerge. Once the ugliness starts, there's no stopping it, and the film rapidly becomes a very black comedy.

Turner and Douglas receive able support from a very funny Danny Devito, who also directed, and the wonderful Marianne Sagebrecht, who provides a gentle presence amidst the chaos.

Reviewed by MartinHafer 4 / 10

A must for people contemplating divorce--all others should avoid this film

Technically, this is a pretty well-made film. The script is, at times, interesting and the actors involved do a good job of making you hate them. But, overall, the film is a major downer--a depressing and awful film that is best if it is only seen by those planning on a divorce. Others just don't need the pain involved in watching this nightmare.

Douglas and Turner portray a couple who go from a troubled marriage to all out war. Their utter cruelty to each other might be seen as funny by some, but most will only cringe at the evil that comes from them. And, I seriously wonder if past victims of domestic violence might just experience flashbacks of past violence when viewing this variation on CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH. In the end, the two creeps literally kill each other. Wow--that's pretty funny stuff,...if you are a sadist.

But, for warring couples perhaps this is a good warning. Watching this with their spouse might be the thing to stop their bull!@^& and bickering from getting any worse!

Reviewed by mark.waltz 8 / 10

And they thought that it was bad for the Roses in 1500.

There's no stopping the hatred for Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner once the gloves are off in this deliciously sinister black comedy that leaves no prisoners alive. Their initially ideal marriage sours just as their children are leaving the nest, a growing sense of disappointment and hatred that has been growing for years unbeknownst to them. The hatred that hatches out of love is a hatred that can never be given a truce, showing how adults when pushed to the brink can act more like children than children.

There's no pointing the finger to either Douglas or Turner as to who is at fault. Each of them has their reasons for their actions, and even though Douglas claims that he still loves Turner, his little humiliations of her in front of guests and slighting neglects are passive/aggressively imbedded in her mind. A health crisis for him brings out all her inner feelings of hatred towards him, and from there, the venom is deadlier than any viper.

The superb script and direction helps this become a fantastic black comedy that is like a rollercoaster, tiltowhirl and bumper car combined, speeding quicker than traffic on any California freeway. Through the eyes of attorney Danny De Vito, the story is told as a warning, not favoring either spouse, and certainly not misogynistic or misandrist in any way. It is an equal opportunity hater towards a marriage that is till death do we both part, a study of what happens when neither person in a relationship is willing to give.

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