

Action / Crime / Horror / Mystery / Thriller

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Rotten 55% · 124 reviews
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Spilled 42% · 250K ratings
IMDb Rating 6.2/10 10 107805 107.8K

Plot summary

A young married couple becomes stranded at an isolated motel and find hidden video cameras in their room. They realize that unless they escape, they'll be the next victims of a snuff film.

Uploaded by: OTTO
November 10, 2012 at 04:19 AM


Top cast

Kate Beckinsale as Amy Fox
Luke Wilson as David Fox
Ethan Embry as Mechanic
Frank Whaley as Mason
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU
650.35 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 25 min
Seeds 11
1.30 GB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 25 min
Seeds 7

Movie Reviews

Reviewed by ironhorse_iv 7 / 10

Not for the casual vacancy, still a OK movie

This movie wasn't the Bates Motel of horror movies, but more like the cheap motel of horror. It's cheaply made, but what they do with the resources they had is interesting. The opening credits use a very Saul Bass style. They're being creative with fonts and titles in the opening. The music was surprisingly catchy as well. The banging at the beginning was good, that created an atmosphere of tension. A vacationing couple, David (Luke Wilson) and Amy Fox (Kate Beckinsale) check in a nearby motel, when their car breaks down. This motel is run by a weird little night manager Mason (Frank Whaley) and the couple take the honeymoon suite. In their room, looking for entertainment for the evening, the pair finds a VCR tape. They put it on their television, and find it to be a low-budget slasher film. After watching for a while, they come upon realizing that all of the films seem to have been shot in the very same room they currently occupy. David and Amy suddenly become the stars of a real life horror snuff film. They realize they must escape, or they will become the next victims. The filmmakers sketch in enough of David and Amy's back story for us to want them to survive. This thriller is scripted by Mark L. Smith and directed by Nimród Antal. Nimrod use hidden cameras to track their every move, and takes the cue from Hitchcock opting for suspense over graphic violence and torture. Vacancy might not get Mr. Hitchcock smiling from above. But he won't be spinning in his grave, either. The film has a pure cat-and-mouse chase. The movie squeezes the maximum in suspense out of one location, as all the scenes are film just there. It runs through every permutation of the motel-hell concept. The film has a nice sense of claustrophobia, particularly when the couple discovers a labyrinth of dirt tunnels under the motel. Luke Wilson doesn't have time to indulge in acting when surviving. The roles of both can be judge by the amounts of yelling and running, not only between them and the killer, but with each other. The audience can really felt the distance between the 2 main characters in the beginning. Other than that the female character Kate plays is bitchy and Luke's performance was boring and wooden. I'm all for female empowerment, but I found Kate Beckinsale's survivor transformation a little hard to believe. Up until very late in the film, and after she stops being a jerk, she's usually whimpering in a corner. In fact, she doesn't seem to be able to do anything but follow her husband around. And yes, I understand that it's all about juxtaposition, if she wasn't fragile at first, her later transformation wouldn't be as evident later. Still, survival instincts can only go so far. Whaley creates a memorable cracker-barrel crazy man that borderlines modes his role on Dennis Weaver's jittery night clerk in the Orson Welles classic "Touch of Evil ." The film use subtle fright tactics: sound effects over gallons of blood, a shard of glass over a chainsaw which gives it props, but Vacancy suffers from too many horror flick clichés using killers in masks, cellphones that are conveniently out of range, etc. etc. There is still enough violence to warrant its R rating. Without spoiling the ending—check out the film to see how it ends. Check in the motel, indeed.

Reviewed by claudio_carvalho 6 / 10

Promising Beginning, Corny and Commercial Conclusion

While driving during the night, David Fox (Luke Wilson) leaves the interstate and takes a shortcut through a lonely road. He is in a divorce process with his wife Amy (Kate Beckinsale), who is sleeping in the car, after the loss of their son Charlie. In order to avoid hitting a raccoon, David breaks down the fan of his car and the couple finds stranded in the road. Without any other alternative, they decide to spend the night in a nasty low budget motel in the middle of nowhere. While watching some amateurish slash movies in the VCR, David realizes that they have been shot in their room. Sooner they discover that they are trapped in the place and surrounded by sadistic filmmakers of snuff movies.

"Vacancy" has a promising and claustrophobic beginning, with the scared couple stranded in a lonely place with a weird manager of an awful motel and listening to aggressive beats in the doors of their room. The development is also tense and good. However, the corny and commercial conclusion like in a television film spoils the story. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Temos Vaga" ("Vacancy")

Reviewed by drownnnsoda 9 / 10

Tense, Suspenseful, and Solid Shocker.

"Vacancy" is a suspenseful horror shocker that follows a young disputing couple on their way home from an anniversary party, Amy and David Fox (Kate Beckinsale and Luke Wilson), who have just recently lost a child and are about to enter a divorce. The bickering couple end up stranded outside a small service station in the middle of nowhere, and decide to to check into the Pinewood motel, a cheap little place for them to spend the night until they can get help the next morning. The quirky desk clerk gives them their room, and they find it to be a complete dump. But their dingy motel room is the least of their problems, when they find videotapes of homemade snuff movies where previous guests were filmed as they were brutally murdered. With a team of masked killers surrounding the entire motel, and every area under surveillance, Amy and David find themselves in a life-or-death struggle as they try and survive through the night.

If the plot summary for this movie sounds like something that interests you, you will more than likely enjoy this suspenseful horror flick. I went into "Vacancy" with pretty average expectations - I wasn't that wild about this movie when I'd first heard about it, but it sounded interesting enough so I decided to give it a try, and I'm glad I did. Unlike the vast majority of the horror junk that gets released lately, this film actually boasts an original and solidly-constructed premise. Take some elements from Hitchock's "Psycho" (was it just me, or were those opening credits played over with the Bernard Herrman-like score a direct reference to Hitchcock?), throw in some aspects from the "Saw" series, and tie things together in a tense little package, and you get "Vacancy". I was literally on the edge of my seat throughout almost the entire film, and found not one dull moment. Suspense and tension are the real kickers in this movie, and it is done very well. Lots of moody camera angles and some genuinely frightening sequences (take the underground cave scenes for example) add to the tense nature.

Our lead performers are Beckinsale and Wilson, both of whom turn in some great performances. Wilson plays the "husband hero" and Beckinsale is the "damsel in distress-gone fighting machine", and both capture this effectively. Their acting is believable, and I think that the writing has something to do with it as well, because their characters are written really well. They're not your typical genre morons who drop to the floor when the killer approaches, they are much more real. They make good decisions and the right moves, which makes them much more credible and realistic, winning over the audiences sympathy rather easily. There were some heart-pumping fight sequences as well between the heroes and the villains, which were well executed and had you rooting for Beckinsale and Wilson. The ending was a little uneven I have to admit, but compared to the tense hour and twenty-five minutes before it, it doesn't come close to bringing the movie down.

Overall, "Vacancy" is an original horror flick that is heavy on suspense, while not so heavy on bloodshed. The claustrophobic atmosphere and the tense build up in this movie is it's real charm, and it will have you on the edge of your seat, anxious to see what will happen next. It's the way a thriller should be done, and makes for an enjoyable late-night fright fest. Exceeded my expectations and went beyond. 9/10.

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