You Can't Kill Meme


Action / Documentary

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Rotten 29%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Spilled 29%
IMDb Rating 3.7/10 10 175 175

Plot summary

A hybrid documentary feature film about the genesis of "memetic magick" and its application by the alt-right in the United States

Uploaded by: FREEMAN
March 15, 2022 at 12:33 PM

Top cast

720p.WEB 1080p.WEB
726.33 MB
English 2.0
23.976 fps
1 hr 19 min
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1.46 GB
English 5.1
23.976 fps
1 hr 19 min
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Movie Reviews

Reviewed by devans-847-331558 5 / 10

A documentary about internet history from the perspective of someone that was never involved in internet history

I have mixed feelings about this documentary so my review may be relatively meandering and disjointed not unlike the documentary itself.

So first things first; the documentary starts off in a bad position with the misuse of the term meme as a stand in for what is really called image macro. Basically to understand this you need to go back to the early days of funny images with text on them and actually understand the terminology and we've gotten so far disconnected from that point these days that people will actually argue that a meme is an image. This is not correct. While image macros develop memetic response they themselves are not memes. What I have more of an issue with on this topic however is that there are times that the term meme is used correctly to identify the larger behavioral patterns that emerge from the usage of image macros. It's a confusing topic to discuss when the terminology is being used so interchangeably between the two separate yet connected things.

Now where this gets even more hairy is in the conversation of memes as magic. Where magic is functionally defined as either a level of technology or an applied concept that is so far outside of the understanding of the average individual in a society. However, memetics is a concept that is very well studied in sociology and can be replicated though various experiments and happens regardless of access to any substantial technology. Man of the people that are being interviewed are staggeringly correct in what they are saying about memes and how memes work and how memes are weaponized as a concept but they are attributing this phenomenon to something supernatural rather than something inherent and intrinsic to humans that lead to our development to what we have become today. Memetics have a tendency to drive social evolution and as such from the perspective of someone that is not studied in psychology or sociology it would definitely appear to be magic. Topics like confidence derived from self actualization are discussed as mystical and karmic. Interestingly these same people seem to have a certain understanding of the concept of chaos as a necessary factor and state towards developing order. There are some absolute nut jobs in this documentary that are doing far more harm than good, but there are people that have incredible minds and clearly weren't given the opportunities to explore their intellectual capacities and legitimize their theories.

The documentary was very difficult to get through, it dragged a lot especially with the shaman lady, but it was nice to see what I can only describe as the only rational anarchist that I've ever seen in a documentary.

I won't be revisiting this movie documentary and I definitely wouldn't recommend this to someone that isn't aware of the realities of chan history or social internet history at large. The documentary has a tendency to believe that memes are a new concept online, starting in roughly 2013 on 4chan. This is not the case. Meme culture online goes all the way back to the early 90s and more than likely before that with the advent of chain emails and comics sent in office communication systems. This trend would expand out to funny pictures that would be categorized on sites dedicated to funny pics. This would then become an image macro where a funny pic would then be overlayed with lettering and we have the modern iteration that we have today. The documentary explicitly links the usage of KEK to ancient Egyptian mythology when in reality it is rooted in WOW as a translation of LOL from an alliance player to a horde player.

Virtually every point about internet culture and history is incorrect and the most interesting part is that there are correct ideas with the wrong terminology being used about sociology with the label of magic(k).

Definitely don't recommend if you don't know history or sociology.

Reviewed by DrinkBathwater 5 / 10

Delusional, chaotic, and...hilarious?

The movie itself sucks, but the absolute insanity of the interviews could make for a funny watch. The editing of degraded jpegs, seemingly random found footage, and awkward camera angles screams amateur, yet it really has me wondering if the director believes in this chaos magick, willing reality into existence, poltergeists, WitchTok, and other wacky ideologies. The rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper with each new interview. The director really blurred the lines if these are trolls or real people who believe in this, and even more so for her actual belief. But whether she is exploiting these looneys, or if they are actually actors, or if the director has completely immersed herself into this world of madness, it's a unique video that will leave you questioning the sanity of this world and the people on it.

Maybe one day we will actually see "Level 1".

Reviewed by kristarosephillips 5 / 10

A little strange.

Some interesting points are made, but overall it was incredibly disjointed and disorienting.

I felt very confused (especially about the amount of magic?) but did learn some interesting things.

Topics: political discourse, memes, fringe groups, behavior of groups, Las Vegas, Light Workers

Wouldn't recommend as your most important watch of the night. The background music is too discordant to watch as a background watch. So I guess just save this if you're really bored and liked Feels Good Man.

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